How We Work

How We Work

Selecting Partners and Projects

We prioritize partnering with local organizations for all our projects, carefully chosen based on specific criteria that we adhere to:

  1. The track record of effective, efficient and ethical operation.
  2. The people involved are dedicated, enthusiastic and responsible.
  3. The project, with the intervention and support of Future4Children, has potential to thrive and to scale.

Operating the Projects

Future4Children actively engages in comprehensive project management, diligently overseeing all operational aspects. Our dedicated team conducts regular on-site visits to evaluate project progress, measuring intermediate outcomes, and promptly implementing necessary adjustments.

Post Projects

Following the implementation of each project, we conduct an accurate evaluation to assess the impact in comparison to our initial plans. We also critically analyze the use of resources to ensure optimal effectiveness. We learn from our experiences and apply them to future projects.

How We Assure Quality

Future4Children is governed by an engaged Board of Trustees, who is energetically overseeing all our undertakings. 

We regularly evaluate our performance, comparing planned objectives with actual outcomes.  Our financial and overall performance is routinely assessed by public authorities.


Future4Children sustains its projects through generous contributions from private individuals, corporate entities, grant-giving organizations and government agencies.

We are committed to maintaining administrative and overhead costs at less than 20% ensuring that a minimum of 80% of donated funds goes directly to support our projects. Throughout project implementation, we exercise financial control over the allocated funds.

To guarantee transparency and accuracy, an authorized accountant oversees and approves our financial accounts. 

Where We Work

Who's Behind the Organisation

Read more about the motivation of Trude Stene, the Founder, as she endeavours to make a positive impact on the lives of children worldwide.


"By investing in children, together, we have the opportunity to create real, long-lasting change for families and communities around the world"

Trude Stene

Founder & CEO