
Alleviating domestic violence CategoriesDomestic violence

From alleviating domestic violence to reducing extreme poverty in the times of COVID19

With about 90,000 infected and almost 4,000 deaths, Bolivia is devastated by COVID19. With no more available intensive care beds in the hospitals, overfilled cemeteries, people dying in the streets and numerous infected doctors and nurses, the health sector is on the verge of collapse.   With a total lockdown going on for almost five […]

Bolivia domestic violence CategoriesDomestic violence

Update about the project WAWAS in Bolivia

During this period of COVID-19 domestic violence has increased dramatically in every country experiencing a lockdown. In Bolivia Future4Children´s and our local partner Huellas & Futuro have for several years worked with prevention and intervention of domestic abuse against children through our project Wawas. In order to continue helping abused children, we have adapted the […]