Last Monday 19th of March, the project “WAWAS Phase 2” has started with the approval of the Regional Education Department of Cochabamba in Bolivia. The project is intervening 15 new schools in the target community Tunari in the city of Cochabamba. The goal is to reach at least 10’000 children and youth to get them off risk and foster their development and education within an environment free from violence.
As the pilot phase of the project “WAWAS” has benefited more than 2600 families for the last three years (2015-2017) with an effective program of violence prevention under a systemic approach, nowadays, we want to scale the project by replicating and improving it, in order to broaden the positive impact and change more children’s lives.
If you want to read more about the project, you can do it here:
As the project just got started, we still need more funds to make it real, please be part of it by clicking here: